The Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Litigation (CSC/CA) has asked Michel Patrick Boisvert, the minister of finance, for a detailed inventory of certain purchases made on behalf of the government.

In its letter on Tuesday asking the spending details, CSC/CA officials invoked Article 88 of a recent decree requiring government agencies to provide the inventories to the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, then the CSC/CA by Oct. 31, the letter reads.

The CSC/CA also sent a copy of the letter to Prime Minister Joseph Jouthe.

Rogavil Boisguéné reminded the Minister that Article 88 of the Decree of September 30, 2020 establishing the general budget of the Republic for the fiscal year 2020-2021 “requires the institutions of the State Administration to send to the Ministry of Economy and Finance for forwarding to the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes by 31 October at the latest, inventory at the acquisition cost of their tangible capital assets. Defense is made to financial controllers and public accountants to authorize to pay an expense without the submission of this inventory”.

“In fact, the failure to disclose these inventories to the Court significantly impedes the processing of requests for an audit of the management and decommissioning of public assets submitted to it,” said the President of the Council.

In this , a copy of which was sent tlettero Prime Minister Joseph Jouthe, Rogavil Boisguéné further stated that “the proper execution of the state budget is conditioned by the production and submission of these inventories.”

Byanka Gauthier, a 24-year-old entrepreneur, was kidnapped on Dec. 16, 2020 - Woman kidnapped

A young entrepreneur was kidnapped in Port-au-Prince in broad daylight Wednesday afternoon.

Byanka Gauthier, 24, was driving from a business meeting in Lathan Plaine, a neighborhood in Port-au-Prince, when three vehicles began following her. One vehicle then pulled in front of Gauthier’s Nissan and blocked her. Quickly, two heavily-armed men then stepped out of their car and took control of Gauthier’s car. They threatened to kill her if she moved.

Gauthier’s kidnappers then called the family on Thursday to ask for a ransom, according to Gauthier’s older sister, who asked that her name not be disclosed.

Gauthier’s car was later found in Lilavois, Port-au-Prince.

Dr. Fauci, took the time to spotlight 34-year-old Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, the lead scientist behind one of the vaccines’ development.

 Le Coin de Carl

(CNN) Dr. Anthony Fauci is urging Black Americans hesitant to take the Covid-19 vaccine to trust the process -- in part because one of the scientists at the forefront of the vaccine's development is a Black woman.

The nation's top infectious disease expert, speaking at an event hosted by the National Urban League on Tuesday, said it was important to acknowledge the US history of racism in medical research and understand how that has fostered mistrust among some Black people.

But Fauci stressed that the upcoming Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective, adding that African American scientists have been involved in their development.

"The very vaccine that's one of the two that has absolutely exquisite levels -- 94 to 95% efficacy against clinical disease and almost 100% efficacy against serious disease that are shown to be clearly safe -- that vaccine was actually developed in my institute's vaccine research center by a team of scientists led by Dr. Barney Graham and his close colleague, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, or Kizzy Corbett," Fauci said.

USAID  donates hygiene kits for school children

Haitian Times

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) said on Twitter Thursday that it distributed handwashing stations, buckets, soap, chlorine and pamphlets to 300 schools in five different departments to help Haiti fight against the novel coronavirus.

The distribution will help 30,000 students remain healthy during the pandemic. USAID donated the hygiene kits through its partnership with UNOPS and Caris Foundation Haiti.

As of Dec. 14, Haiti had 9, 627 confirmed COVID-19 cases, 234 deaths and 8,310 recoveries, according to the Ministry of Public Health.