Archbishop: Crisis in Haiti is ‘complicated’ and ‘very delicate’

John Lavenburg Mar 14, 2024

NEW YORK – In response to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis deploying hundreds of additional officers and soldiers to the state’s southern coast to protect against Haitian migrants, Archbishop Thomas Wenski of Miami says “Haitians are not an ‘invasive species,’ and shouldn’t be treated as such.”

The archbishop also pushed back on the idea that an influx of Haitian migrants is imminent.

“Actually, in the last year the United States admitted some 100,000 Haitians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, and Cubans under a special program that gave them work permits for two years if they had a sponsor who also paid for their ticket, so the ‘feared’ influx has begun long ago,” Wenski told Crux March 13.

DeSantis announced his decision in a March 13 statement, citing the circumstances in Haiti.

“Given the circumstances in Haiti, I have directed the Division of Emergency Management, the Florida State Guard, and the state law enforcement agencies to deploy over 250 additional officers and soldiers and over a dozen air and sea craft to the southern coast of Florida to protect our state,” DeSantis said.

“No state has done more to supplement the (under-resourced) U.S. Coast Guard’s interdiction efforts; we cannot have illegal aliens coming to Florida,” the governor continued.

The tumultuous situation in the Caribbean nation has boiled over in recent weeks. At present, gangs control 80 percent of the nation’s capital, Port-au-Prince, as they demand new political leadership and voice in the future. As a result, the city’s airport is closed.

Amid the turmoil, Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced on March 12 that he would resign from his post once a transitional presidential council is created. It’s a move that Wenski said is important from the standpoint that Henry has very little legitimacy among the Haitian people. On the other hand, with the control the gangs have, there’s also great uncertainty with what happens next.

“In one way you could almost say good riddance. However, in another way, the situation has become much more complicated and basically some of the leaders of the gangs are basically posturing to turn themselves into politicians, which is not unheard of in other countries,” Wenski told Crux. “The question now is how do they get out of this the best solution?”

Wenski, who has had a close relationship to Haiti – both the church and people – for decades, said that before Haitian Bishop Pierre-André Dumas of Anse-à-Veau and Miragoâne was severely burned in a Feb. 18 explosion he was very vocal that Henry should resign, and told Henry as much when they met. Dumas is now in stable condition, recovering at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami.

Henry was appointed to his post in 2021 by then-president Jovenel Moïse, who was assassinated days later. Following the assassination Henry was never formally sworn into his role, and still has never officially been installed. Henry assumed the post anyway, promising to restore order and hold presidential elections.

Almost three years later, there is less order and no elections have been held.

Monsignor Pierre-André Pierre, the director of the National Center of the Haitian Apostolate in the United States, told Crux that the international community, particularly the United States, must help Haiti work towards peace and stability. He noted also, that even with the resignation of the prime minister there is still violence and instability, and “the whole situation has not changed.”

“In such a difficult time no one should be left by himself, and it is important that we count on the international community,” Pierre said. “It’s important that in times of crisis that we see involvement of the nations, the United States of America because there is a long history connecting the two countries.”

“The connection is so that it gives us some relief to know that the country is not alone. The proximity, that kind of connection, to show love, is something very, very important to the Haitian community,” Pierre continued. “To bring solidarity, to show love, and to show support, to take the people out of isolation and to give that kind of relief.”

On March 11, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced the United States would provide $100 million to finance the deployment of a multinational force to Haiti to try and stop the nation’s crisis, and another $33 million to provide humanitarian aid and to help move along a political transition. However, some Haitian leaders rejected the political transition plan on March 13.

Wenski noted, however, that many people in Haiti, including a prominent gang leader, have spoken out about how they are not going to let the United States – or any other country – decide who their next leader is going to be, which makes the situation “very delicate.” Henry, for example, was backed by the United States, as well as other notable countries like Canada and France.

“That’s the big question,” Wenski said of how the international community should be involved. “Because usually foreign interventions end up causing more harm than good in the past.”

Beyond government assistance, there’s another kind of international assistance that Pierre said is vital. That is, people showing their support through both prayers, and continuing the financial support that many of them already provide to family members and others back home. He said it all helps the Haitian people persevere, as they hope for peace.

“They want peace. It is the security they are looking for. It is ultimately a state of law that they want to have, that they want to build, taking charge of the country itself,” Pierre said. “What we need is a normalcy, to see the country, to see the people being at peace and the violence to be gone.”

Follow John Lavenburg on Twitter: @johnlavenburg

United States Will Provide an Additional $25 Million to Address Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti

 March 15, 2024

On Over the past weeks, violence by organized criminal groups has escalated dramatically and worsened what is already a dire humanitarian situation in Haiti. At least 362,000 people are displaced, and 5.5 million people are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance as the most basic necessities including food, health care, water, and hygiene, are increasingly difficult to access.

 To help address these urgent needs, the United States, through USAID, intends to provide an additional $25 million in humanitarian assistance for Haiti. This builds on the $33 million for humanitarian assistance Secretary of State Blinken announced earlier this week. Our funding will support efforts by our United Nations and NGO partners to provide immediate food assistance, essential relief supplies, relocation support, psycho-social support, emergency health care, safe drinking water, and protection services for the most vulnerable, including women and girls, among other vital assistance.

 Humanitarian workers must be able to safely provide assistance for the most vulnerable. While the violence has forced some pauses of humanitarian operations, aid organizations are working tirelessly to reach the most vulnerable in Haiti. Our humanitarian partners have extensive experience working in challenging environments and have demonstrated their commitment to stay and deliver life-saving assistance with impartiality, neutrality, and independence, while protecting their staff and facilities. We require our partners to have robust safeguards and risk-mitigation systems in place, so that humanitarian aid reaches those who need it most. I am grateful for their efforts, and for the brave staff at the U.S. Embassy and Mission – many of whom are Haitian – who are immersed in these challenges daily.

 The United States is the single largest humanitarian donor to Haiti. The new funding announced this week will build on the $146 million that the United States, through USAID, has already provided since October 2022, which will reach more than 1.5 million people with life-saving assistance. The international community must stand with Haiti in this moment. At present, the humanitarian response in Haiti is less than seven percent funded, based on UN estimates. We call other donors to join us in scaling up humanitarian assistance.

 The untenable violence serves only to delay the democratic process while upending the lives of millions. We urge all actors in Haiti to stop the violence and make the necessary concessions to allow for transparent, inclusive, and credible elections, unimpeded delivery of aid, and the restoration of democracy. Standing up the UN-authorized Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission is crucial not only to support the Haitian people, but also to maintain stability in the region.

 We continue to stand with the people of Haiti, and remain committed to the country’s long-term stability.

National Center of Haitian Apostolate

FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT (March 17, 2024)

Jeremiah 31, 31-34; Psalm 51; Hebrews 5, 7-9; John 12, 20-33

Msgr. Pierre André Pierre

Welcome, brothers,

Today, we celebrate the fifth Sunday of Lent. Soon our Lenten Journey will reach its climax in the events of the Death and Resurrection of our Lord. Today, the Word of God wants to plant hope in our lives. The seed of hope is Jesus Christ, planted to produce the fruits of salvation. The seed is also our own life, to be planted to produce fruits of salvation for ourselves, our brothers and sisters, and our world.

In the First Reading (the prophet Jeremiah) God promised to seal a new covenant with his people. In the Old Testament, obedience to the Law of Moses guaranteed Salvation. The new covenant would be more than just outward signs. It will be written on the hearts of the people. God Himself would dwell with His people and invite them into communion with Him. The new covenant will offer true forgiveness of sin and, therefore, will reunite humanity’s broken relationship with God. In the new covenant, we can personally know God.

How was the New Covenant established? In the Second reading, the Letter to the Hebrews explains that Christ established the New Covenant through His obedient suffering. He shed His blood for us on the cross and won salvation for us. Christ not only died to take away the sins of the world, but He rose again to overcome sin and its consequence of death. Because Jesus died, we can be forgiven of sin, have our relationship with God restored, and have His Law written on our hearts. In the New Covenant God dwells among us and offers us communion with Himself. Ultimately, the new covenant leads us to eternal salvation.

In today's Gospel Jesus speaks to his Apostles about the “Hour” of the New Covenant. Now that the Gentiles want to see him, he recognizes that the Time has come for him to die, like a seed planted in the ground so that new life can begin. This requires of Him complete obedience to the will of the Father until death. Jesus compares the fruitfulness of his death to the grain of wheat, which must die in order to bear fruit. Hence, Jesus’ death will bring forth the Church as its fruit. Christ becomes the model to follow. Lent teaches us precisely that to embrace the New Covenant we must do the Father’s will and agree to die to sin, however painful that may seem. What is required for salvation is Faith in Jesus and the spiritual transformation of the inner self.

Jesus lifted up on the Cross, will also be lifted to heaven, experiencing death as the Hour of Glory. He will share His victory with all who accept to die to sin and embrace the New Covenant. Lent opens our eyes to the Mystery of Christ and our calling! it is a road that leads us to the being lifted up.

Each of us is a grain of wheat that has to be buried to bear fruit. As we identify ourselves with Jesus Christ, he calls us to do what he did to ourselves.



March 12, 2024

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden President of the United States The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Biden,

The ongoing political, security, and humanitarian crisis in Haiti has profound implications for Miami -Dade County due to our significant Haitian community and close proximity to the island.
In light of this, I am writing on behalf of Miami-Dade County to formally request multiagency community briefings. We believe that increased coordination among federal agencies, Miami-Dade County, and community leaders will allow us to better meet the challenges that will continue to arise.

We propose a multiagency, in-person meeting as soon as possible with local and community leaders to discuss pressing issues related to the crisis unfolding in Haiti, including international airport closures, food and potable drinking water shortages, and the recently announced U.S. Southern Command plan to mobilize support for the Haitian National Police. Miami-Dade County’s Emergency Management Department has also been closely monitoring the situation with regular briefings through Operation Vigilant Sentry.

Your consideration of our request is greatly appreciated as the Haitian community in Miami-Dade County is a foundational part of our rich social and cultural fabric. We look forward to engaging in a productive dialogue that will contribute to a more comprehensive and effective response to the crisis since the greater Miami area is home to the largest concentration of Haitian immigrants in the United States.

Thank you for your leadership and your attention to this matter. Should you require any additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Daniella Levine Cava

Anthony Blinken, Secretary, United States Department of State
Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary, United States Department of Homeland Security Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners



Washington, DC 20037

Dear President Biden, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:

Extend and redesignate Haiti for TPS

The existing TPS designation for Haiti is set to expire on August 4, 2024. All the conditions leading to the Biden administration’s original TPS redesignations on December 5, 2022, and August 3, 2021, in addition to the deteriorating crisis described herein, exhibit temporary and extraordinary conditions that make a safe return to Haiti impossible. The undersigned organizations request that the Biden administration consider redesignating Haiti for TPS as soon as possible.

Redesignation will allow protection against removal and eligibility for work authorization to all eligible Haitians currently in the United States. The current TPS recipients from Haiti in the United States, many of whom have been here for decades and have children who are U.S. citizens, have also become essential to our economy and our morale as a country.

Moreover, TPS promotes recovery, development, and regional stability by preserving and increasing the flow of remittances to Haiti and directly into the pockets of people who can use the money for food, healthcare, housing, education, and other basic needs that will help decrease the flow of migration. Remittances capture over 60 percent of foreign inflows, make up a substantial share of Haiti’s GDP, and serve as a lifeline for most Haitians.[1]

Indefinitely halt deportations to Haiti, release detained Haitians, and support administrative closure of removal cases

Although the Haitian government has been unable to receive and reintegrate its citizens safely, the U.S. Coast Guard has deported 131 Haitians interdicted at sea since October 2023, including 65 individuals on March 12.[2] In addition, monthly deportation flights continue. There have been 253 deportation and expulsion flights to Haiti since September 19, 2021. Most of these estimated 26,000 individuals removed to Haiti were blocked from seeking asylum and other protection by Title 42 policies. These removals severely undermine the administration's promise to build a fairer and more inclusive

immigration and asylum system for all and contribute to the destabilization of Haiti.

Haitian Bridge Alliance

[add other organizations]


The Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States

Attorney General Garland, Department of Justice

Advisor Jake Sullivan, National Security Council

We ask the Biden administration to halt all removal flights and maritime removals to the already-overburdened country.


[1] Haiti’s Turnaround and its Impact on Remittances, The Dialogue, Leadership for the Americas (November 15, 2022),

[2] U.S. Coast Guard News, Press release, Coast Guard Repatriates 65 Migrants to Haiti (March 12, 2024),