Strategic Kenya-Haiti Meeting on the Deployment of the Multinational Force

paptimesnewsDecember 6, 2023

An atmosphere imbued with enthusiasm prevailed as Haitian Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, warmly welcomed a distinguished delegation from Kenya. Comprising Kenyan diplomats and American envoys, this delegation meticulously laid the foundation for a new era of diplomatic cooperation between the two nations.

Discussions between the delegation and Prime Minister Henry delved into uncharted territories, placing emphasis on collaboration across diverse domains. The primary goal was to forge robust connections for a mutually beneficial partnership, diverging from the well-trodden paths of traditional diplomacy.

In addition to fruitful exchanges with the Prime Minister, the delegation engaged in constructive dialogues with the Director General of Police, Frantz Elbe, as well as prominent members of the Transitional High Council. These meetings unveiled unprecedented prospects for cooperation in security and coordination, serving as pivotal elements in the establishment of a enduring relationship.

It is worth noting that the Minister of Justice and the Director General of Police are gearing up for an upcoming visit to Kenya. This promising initiative aims to solidify bilateral ties and finalize essential logistical details for future mutually advantageous endeavors. A new era of diplomatic partnership seems to be unfolding, promising stimulating opportunities for both nations.


3rd Annual HELP-BFA Scholarship Dinner

Karl Fils-Aime <Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.;

11:21 AM (5 hours ago)





Hello Friends,

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to join us on January 6th in Miami at The Citadel for our 3rd Annual HELP BFA Scholarship Fund dinner. It promises to be an evening of fun: good food, good music, open bar and above all wonderful company.

Despite the challenging situation in Haiti these days, we forge ahead soundly in the knowledge that the talented, motivated, young students whose education we support today will be the leaders that drive sustained economic growth and stability for Haiti tomorrow. And with respect to that effort, we do have wonderful news to share as we approach the $1 million raised milestone for the scholarship fund. All of which goes directly to the education of Haiti's brightest youth in need. Find out more about our progress here: BFA Scholarship Fund with HELP homepage

This amazing effort has only been made possible through your kind and generous support!

So with that, consider this your formal invitation to come celebrate with us - and give me the opportunity to thank you in person.

Where: The Citadel Miami

When: January 6th, 6:30-9pm

RSVP here: RSVP for 3rd Annual BFA Scholarship Dinner with HELP

Guests and friends are more than welcome.

Looking forward to seeing you,




National Center of Haitian Apostolate 


Isaiah 40, 1-11; Psalm 84; 2 Peter 3, 8-14; Mark 1, 1-8

Msgr. Pierre André Pierre

In the Desert Prepare the Way for the Lord. This Second Sunday of Advent brings us closer to welcoming Christ into our communities and the world at Christmas. For many people, Christmas looks like a routine that Christians repeat every year. In the Liturgy, on the contrary, the Church makes us live the mystery of our salvation in Jesus Christ. It includes a teaching and a responsibility: Only God’s grace saves humankind; as a responsibility, everyone must be involved.

Isaiah announces a consolation for God's people if they repent. Unfaithful though they are, when in their sufferings they cry out to God, He delivers them, in the desert and during the exile and imprisonment in Babylon: "Comfort, give comfort to my people, says the Lord... A voice cries out: "In the desert, prepare the way of the Lord. Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God!" Cry out the good news: "Here is your God." He cares for his people as a Shepherd protects his flock. 

Psalm 85 insists that we repent and turn back to the God of salvation. The Lord has shown patience with us. In his second Letter, St. Peter reminds us that God gives us a lifetime for conversion. The Lord does not delay his promise. He will come unexpectedly. He offers us, however, a thousand opportunities to prepare for His coming. He is patient with us, not wishing that anyone should perish but that all should come to repentance. He wants everyone to be saved.

This Good News is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. St. Mark affirms this truth in his gospel, in a very simple way, without Angels, or music, or shepherds near Bethlehem. He takes back what the Prophet Isaiah said about the Desert People. The messenger is John the Baptist preaching in the desert a baptism of conversion: "Prepare the way of the Lord." Make his paths straight. John brings an additional light on the Savior. He is not even worthy to untie his sandals. He who comes after me will baptize us in the Holy Spirit.” Conversion and sincere repentance are indispensable conditions for salvation.

Our responsibility is to prepare ourselves. How are we preparing for the second coming of Jesus? What do we do to spread the Good News of love, justice, and peace? In our activities, attitudes, and relationships, do we walk the path of integrity and fidelity, of trust in God and trust in each other? Do we remember that confession is also a path? Are we spiritually connected to God in prayer? Are we serious about the importance of Jesus' return? Can we say: "Here is our God," in whose name we work to make this earth new? John the Baptist calls us to lead a life of repentance and conversion. His bath of purification will prepare us for the return of Jesus. Let's decide to welcome him as the good shepherd who can lead us on the road to happiness that this life cannot give. Christmas will make us discover the greatness, beauty, and love of the one who is coming.


Thursday, December 07, 2023


New book explores Rwanda's development model

Patrick Nzabonimpa 
Thursday, December 07, 2023


Fourteen local and international experts across various fields have collaborated to co-author “Rwanda: A Model for Haiti”, an anthology of essays that explores the ‘Rwandan model’ and its constituents that could potentially and intelligently be emulated in Haiti.

Compiled and edited by Joe E. Sully, a Haitian-American author, and journalist, the collaborative book presents a wealth of ideas, expert opinions, and data, drawing parallels between Rwanda’s success story and the challenges and opportunities facing Haiti.

The contributing authors span the fields of diplomacy, economics, technology, education, culture, politics, reconciliation, and national unity, among others.


Some copies of the newly launched book entitled 'Rwanda a model for Haiti

The ones from Rwanda include Marie Immaculee Ingabire, the Chairperson of Transparency International Rwanda; Richard Hategekimana, the Chairman of the Rwanda Writers Federation; Viateur Ndikumana, the Vice Chancellor of Kibogora Polytechnic University; Callixte Kabera, the Vice Chancellor of East Africa University and Epimaque Twagirimana, the Vice Chairperson of Pan-African Movement Rwanda Chapter.

Other contributing authors and experts include Indran Amirthanayagam, Sri Lankan-American poet-diplomat, Dimitri Bien-Aimé, an international affairs and development practitioner, Aurore François, a life coach and educational consultant, Huguens Jean, a software models specialist and electrical engineer; João Melo, an author, professor and former Angolan Government official, Hillary Thomas-Lake, specialist in conflict management, post-conflict reconstruction and state-society relations, Marc-Arthur Pierre-Louis, software engineer and author, as well as Jessica Xiao, a writer, and journalist.

According to Sully, also the founder of Bridgevision Production, an American communication, publishing, and production company, the inspiration for the anthology comes from the “remarkable progress Rwanda has achieved since the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.”

Having visited the country in January, Sully was impressed by the combination of modern infrastructure and traditional life in Rwanda, embodying the vision of the government.

“I’ve read books about Rwanda and the leadership, particularly President Paul Kagame, but I had the opportunity to come here to see with my own eyes, the manifestation, a realisation of the vision behind the government of this country,” he said.


Participants pose for a group photo at a pre- launch event in Kigali on December 3.

Wanting to share the story credibly, Sully brought together the experts with the goal of explaining Rwanda’s model, showcasing the country’s transformation from a post-genocide economy loss of over 40 per cent to becoming one of the most stable places in Africa.

“We’re trying to explain that so that the world, the people in Washington D.C., where I’m based, can know about that story,” he said.

Sully further highlighted the belief that Rwanda could serve as a model for Haiti and other developing nations’ reconstruction efforts, citing the intelligent strategies implemented since 1994.

“Rwanda: A Model for Haiti,” he added, also aims to promote a sense of pan-Africanism and unity among black people, drawing parallels between the experiences of Haiti and Rwanda.

In addition to a poem penned by Indran Amirthanayagam, which reflects on the Rwandan experience and draws connections between Rwanda and Haiti, the anthology primarily comprises essays covering various aspects including insights into the Rwandan education system, the nation’s economy, efforts towards national unity and reconciliation, diplomatic strategies, and Rwanda’s utilisation of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to shape its foreign policy.

The anthology also delves into intelligent governance practices, emphasising transparency, anti-corruption measures, and other pertinent topics.

“Rwanda: A Model for Haiti” was unveiled in Rwanda on December 3, with a private book launch event dedicated to acknowledging the contributors from Rwanda. Plans for the book’s distribution include an official launch in Rwanda and various states across the USA, among other locations, according to Sully.

The hard copies of the book are available at the Bridgevision Production Rwanda office in Kimihurura, as well as Ikirezi and Caritas libraries. It is also available on Amazon.