A Street named «Joseph Manno Charlemagne», in Florida...

In Florida, a street in North Miami will be named after the Haitian artist, Joseph Emmanuel Charlemagne. The inaugural ceremony was scheduled for Wednesday, May 1, 2019, on the occasion of the official launch of Haitian culture and heritage Month.

Joseph Manno Charlemagne Way, located in North Miami on 125th Street, the street honors the committed singer, who died two years ago in Florida. The resolution on this decision was introduced by the current North Miami Mayor, Dr. Smith Joseph before being adopted by the City Council.

North Miami elected officials, local residents, and Manno Charlemagne’s relatives were among those who participated in the ceremony.

“It is our way to honor this artist who marked his presence in Miami-Dade County,” said Mayor Smith Joseph, in an interview given to ISLANDTV, while highlighting the role played by Manno in the promotion of Haitian culture.

The name of Manno Charlemagne will be inscribed alongside those of the heroes of Haitian independence, who, according to the Florida legislature in 2004, enter the pantheon of fighters in the struggle for the abolition of slavery. This proposal was introduced by Rep. Philippe Brutus and approved by Governor Jeb Bush. Joseph Emmanuel Charlemagne died on December 10, 2017, from lung cancer at the age of 69. He left behind a discography full of committed music which, among other things, raisde the problem of inequality, imperialism, the poor working conditions of the workers...


In South Florida May is Haitian Heritage Month, and to kick off the month of events, Sunday was the Seventh Annual Little Haiti Book Festival. The festival took place at the Little Haiti Cultural Complex, 212 NE 59th Ter., Miami.

In Kreyol and English, authors from Haiti and the Haitian diaspora hosted literary panels, craft talks and workshops for writers, hands-on-activities for children, dance workshops, poetry, dance and music performances, and more. All of them were available to sign books. MJ Fievre is the Caribbean coordinator for the Miami book fair and urged non-Haitians to come out to the event.

"I believe the Little Haiti book festival is a great opportunity for anyone, not just people with Haitian ties, to discover aspects of Haiti that they may not know," Fievre said.

Organizers believe it is important for South Florida to learn positive attributes about Haitian culture, especially its impact and legacy to literature." We learn a lot in the media about the difficulties the Haitian community faces, and of course all those problems are true, but there is also an aspect of Haiti that is very often overlooked,” said Fievre.

Miami Book Fair partnered with Sosyete Koukouy of Miami, Inc., to present the Little Haiti Book Festival on Sunday, May 5, 2019. This book festival—a vibrant cultural exposure to writers, booksellers, performers, and more—is part of Miami Book Fair’s ReadCaribbean programming.

The event took place on at the Little Haiti Cultural Complex, 212 NE 59 Ter. Miami, and at Libreri Mapou, 5919 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL.


Group aims to build library in Cite Soleil in Haiti

A group raised $180,000 and 70,000 books to build a library in Cite Soleil, Haiti.

Montpellier – France: Nérilia Mondésir finally wins a professional contract

The former U-20 captain of Haitian football, Nérilia Mondésir, has moved to full professional status at the Montpellier Hérault Sport Club.

After 2 years of training, the striker and ex-Tigress has thus become the first Haitian to reach this rank in Europe.

According to the president of the Haitian Football Federation (FHF), Yves «Dadou» Jean-Bart, the contract was signed in January, but the information was not made public.

Jean-Bart also did not reveal the amount that the talented athlete will earn from this 3-year contract.


The gang leader "Tije" of Savane Pistache killed in Delmas 83 in an operation of the PNH

HPN - The powerful gang leader accused of having perpetrated the massacre of Carrefour Feuilles (at least 8 dead), a large working-class district located southeast of the capital, was reportedly shot dead during an operation carried out on Monday evening in the commune of Delmas.

In a recent interview with a radio station in Port au Prince, "Tije" revealed his role in the attacks of Carrefour Leafs, which had left more than eight dead and about 20 injured, a situation that revolted citizens. Tije, it should be stressed, had indicated that there would be other gang leaders even after his death, because some senior state officials use them for political purposes.

Two Faculty of Medicine professors decorated with the Order of Montreal badge

Two professors from the Faculty of Medicine at the Université de Montréal have been appointed to the Order of Montreal. Professors Trang Hoang and Jean-Claude Fouron were awarded the title of Commander, the highest in the Order.

Trang Hoang: leader in the fight against leukemia

Trang Hoang is a professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology at UdeM and she co-founded with six colleagues the Institute of Immunology and Cancer (IRIC) of the University, where she heads the hematopoiesis and leukemia research laboratory.

Jean-Claude Fouron: Pioneer of fetal cardiology

A pediatric cardiologist at Sainte Justine University Hospital for nearly 50 years, Jean-Claude Fouron is a pioneer in fetal cardiology. Originally from Haiti, he arrived in Quebec in 1960, and founded the first fetal cardiology unit in Canada in 1989. He is known for his pioneering work on the functioning and disorders of the fetal and neonatal cardio circulatory system, including those caused by malformations, arrhythmia and placental circulatory insufficiency. Dr Fouron’s achievements have been instrumental in advancing his discipline, reducing maternal and child mortality, and improving specialized ultrasound services.

Professor Emeritus of the Department of Pediatrics at UdeM and renowned researcher, Jean-Claude Fouron has always had at heart, a clear teaching rhythm, through exchanges, rigorous research and communication all with finesse and humor.

His recognition as an international authority in his field made the name of Montreal and his eponymous university shine.

Dr. Fouron is an Officer of the Ordre national du Québec, a Member of the Order of Canada and a recipient of the Charles Biddle Award and the Grand Prix of the Collège des médecins du Québec.