Haiti Earthquake

Saturday morning (Nov. 12), at 1:00:47 (local time) (06:00:47 UTC) a quake of moderate intensity 4.4 on the Richter scale occurred, its epicenter was located on land at a depth of 12.3 km, at 18.347°N 74.216°W, or 5 km north of Les Anglais (South), 51 km northwest of Les Cayes, 35 km southwest of Jérémie and 200km southwest of the capital, Port-au-Prince.

This quake was reported by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and in the metropolitan area on the seismograph of Catts Pressoir College.

No damage or injuries have been reported so far by the authorities. HL/ HaitiLibre 


Haiti-Japan: signature of two contracts for donation of more than $150,000 dollars

Last Thursday, within the framework of the Program " (APL) Help in the Form of Donations to Local Micro-Projects Contributing to Human Well-Being," two contracts were signed between Yoshiaki Hatta, the Ambassador of Japan in Haiti, and the representatives of two local organizations that will benefit from these funds: "The Farmers’ Union for the Development of Source Sable Santo and its Region" (UPDSSE) and the "Organization of Youth and Farmers for Progress in the Central (Department)  (OJPSAC).”

THE UPDSSE benefited in the amount of $80,836 US for its project to improve its BERACA Community Health Center in Thomazeau. Its goal is to increase the capacity of this Center which supplies health care to more than 10,000 inhabitants

THE OJPSAC benefited in the amount of $76,789 US for its project to expand the VIAH Community School of Sarrazin, which will allow the construction of 6 classrooms, a bathroom, as well as the installation of school equipment (tables, chairs and blackboards). This will allow more than 230 pupils to benefit from a quality education in an adequate environment.

Haiti - Canada: program of Municipal Cooperation

The Union of the Municipalities of Quebec, which has worked for more than a decade to improve the quality of life of communities in Haiti, had a workshop last week for about ten local elected officials and representatives of the National Municipal Federations of Haiti. This workshop was jointly organized by the UMQ and the Canadian Federation of Municipalities (FCM) within the framework of the Program of Municipal Cooperation Haiti-Canada, implemented by the UMQ, the FCM and the City of Montreal in 2011.

Michel Adrien, the mayor of Mount-Laurel who is a native of Haiti, declared at the end of the workshop, "I am very happy to have participated in this meeting. It highlighted the essential role of the UMQ, which exercises strong leadership for governments that are nearing autonomy and efficiency. All of those who participated agreed on the importance of strong leadership from the elected officials and the local elected representatives, and a solid and rigorous municipal governance to ensure the vitality of communities, whether they are in Haiti or in Quebec. "

Haiti - Republic-Dominican: list of the escapees from the prison of Arcahaie

The Ministry of Defense, the National police force and the Head of the Dominican Immigration Office, among others, confirm having received recently from Haitian authorities data, photos, names and other information about 162 prisoners who escaped from the prison of Arcahaie, on October 22nd of this year. Nelson Rosario, the Spokesman of the Dominican National Police Force (PND) indicated intelligence services advised that none of the Haitian escapees have been seen in the Dominican territory. He added that the police distributed the information and the list, in all of its regional offices, which spread the word with other institutions, mainly in the various border posts of the country.

The Core Group encourages constructive participation of the protagonists in Haiti’s elections

The Core Group is calling upon all the protagonists to participate, in a constructive way, in the electoral process, according to a press release.

It is now up to the Provisional Electoral Council and the Haitian government to create the conditions (technical, political and security), necessary for a well-run election, on Sunday, November 20th, 2016.

The Core Group also recommends to all the protagonists to use existing legal measures to solve disputes, and to abstain from any violence.

Meanwhile, a meeting between the president and the protagonists involved in the electoral process took place at the national palace, on Monday, November 7th. At issue was the progress of the rehabilitation of polling stations following the passage of Hurricane Matthew, and the safety of the ballots for November 20th, 2016.

Hurricane Matthew has either damaged or destroyed 300 polling stations out of the 328, which should be used in four departments (the South, Grande Anse, Nippes / Southwest, Northwest), that were most affected during its passage over Haiti, according to a report from the electoral institution.

Haiti-choléra-Post Matthew: vaccination drive against the cholera in the most affected areas

A big contingent of national supervisors, nurses, and other health professionals is being mobilized by the Ministry of Health and the Population of Haiti to inoculate 800,000 people who live in 16 municipalities of the departments of the South and Grande Anse, the zones most affected by Hurricane Matthew one month ago, according to the Minustah’s website. The campaign, which is counting on the support of the Pan-American Organization of the World Health / Organization of the Health (OPS / WHO) and other partners, will go on until November 14th.

The objective is to reduce the morbidity and the mortality caused by cholera and to prevent the spreading of the disease in other departments of the country. To insure a general protection, the vaccine will be administered to everyone who is more than one year old in the 16 selected municipalities. According to experts, this vaccine can help to avoid between 60 % and 70 % of the grave cases of cholera.

Within the framework of this vaccination drive, the OPS / WHO mobilized a group of epidemiologists and experts in vaccination for technical support of the operations. Vaccines supplied by the alliance GAVI have already been on site for several days. The international NGO (NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION) International Medical Corps (IMC), UNICEF and other partners of the vaccination already arranged numerous elements allowing them to begin the campaign, such as a reliable cold storage to protect the vaccines, social mobilization and the logistic support the vaccination teams.

Jacmel-Education-drogue: five students arrested at the Toussaint Louverture Square

The police arrested five students from various schools throughout the city out of approximately around 30, who were smoking marijuana. These pupils, who were in possession of a radio set, were involved in a debauchery, by dancing on the square during school hours.

The substitute Government Commissioner of Jacmel, Clément Jouloutte Gétho, who arrested these five pupils, explained that residents called for his assistance due to the strong smell of marijuana coming from the square.