17 Haitian scholarships winners are going to study in Taiwan

Seventeen Haitian scholarship winners, who are going to study in Taiwan, were honored last Thursday before Minister of Education Jean Beauvois Dorsonne, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pierrot Délienne, and Tsai-Chiu Hwang, the Ambassador of the Republic of China in Haiti.

These 17 scholarship winners, who were selected through competition and who originate from all of the country’s departments, are leaving for Taiwan to pursue five years of higher education in diverse fields such as electrical engineering, information technology, civil engineering, tropical medicine and renewable energy.

In his speech, Minister Dorsonne encouraged the scholarship winners to be diligent in their studies and to salute "in the name of the Haitian government and of the educational community, this support by the Taiwanese government in the field of the education."

Taiwanese Ambassador, Tsai-chiu Hwang, indicated that these scholarship exchanges are within the framework of the bilateral cooperation between Haiti and Taiwan, which has last lasted in harmony for more than 50 years.

Chancellor Délienne greeted proudly these 17 young people, whom he said, "are going to acquire new knowledge and return to put it to use toward the development of their country."


The Haitian Studies Institute opens its doors at Brooklyn College

In the presence of academics, politicians, and members of the private sector, the Haitian Studies Institute opened its doors in the heart of "Brooklyn College" recently.

It is thanks to the tireless efforts of New York State Assembly Member Rodneyse Bichotte, who is of Haitian origin, that this project, which initially did not have the necessary political support, came to fruition.

Peter Helder Bernard, the general consul of the Republic of Haiti in New York, was unable to hide his emotions regarding the choice of "Brooklyn College", where he attended 23 ago, to permit this Institute to help popularize Haitian culture.

Dr. Jean Eddy Saint Paul, who is of Haitian origin, was chosen as first Director of the Institute. In his speech, he shared his vision, to create a research center on a national scale, a modern international website, as well as the realization of key research on Africa-Haiti relations.

Haiti-Cuba: towards the creation of a sports educational college

Last week while at the Multi-purpose Training Center of Croix-des-Bouquets, Abel Nazaire, Minister of Youth, Sports and the Civic Action (MJSAC) hosted Naima Ariatne Trujillo Bareto, Director of the University José Marti Perez de Santi Espiritu, Cuba, regarding the creation of a sports college in Haiti.

At this meeting, during which Franck Charles, Director of Renaissance University of Haiti, Auguste D' Méza, Assistant Director of Academic Affairs and Luis Eyen Reina Garcia, Assistant to Director Bareto, Minister Nazaire praised the virtues of the Cuban sports model which has allowed Cuba to take its place among the best sports nations of the world. Minister Nazaire also showed great interest in this project which would allow Haiti to have sports technicians trained in the country.

A work schedule is going to be established between the MJSAC, the University of the Renaissance of Haiti and the Cuban University to finalize this project, in order to allow Haiti to have the necessary tools essential to the development of sports in the country. (Haiti Libre)

The Superior Court building will cost approximately 27 million US dollars

The new building that must accommodate the Superior Court of the Accounts will cost Haiti approximately 27 million US dollars. It will be financed by funds from the cancellation of the debt of Haiti by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), according to HPN.

Opening of the first symposium for small and medium-sized enterprises

Allowing institutions to have access to financing by trying to bridge the existing gap between finance companies and small to medium-sized enterprises was the objective of a symposium last week organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MCI), with the support of the BID and of (PANSEH), an organization that helps support and structure Haitian entrepreneurship.

"We have to prepare the economy of tomorrow with the actions of today by creating better opportunities," declared Minister of Justice Camille Edouard Junior at the opening of the symposium.

Approximately 300 participants from throughout the country were expected at this event. Among them were the heads of 200 small and medium-sized enterprises, 40 representatives of financial institutions, and 40 representatives of organizations that support small and medium sized enterprises. According to the organizers, the event’s main goal was to allow companies to have access to the services or technical support of the MCI.